Changes of the Agenda

Last week, two presentations, including a keynote, were canceled. Unfortunately, the presentations by Robert Clark as well as Jürgen Krutzler cannot take place. We have been feverishly searching for a replacement over the past few days and are pleased to present the changes to the agenda today.

David Willson from Titan Info Security Group will take over the keynote from Robert Clark and talk about the legal aspects of Active Defense in his presentation Cyber War or Electronic Espionage - Active Defense or Hack Back: What Can Nations and Businesses Do to Legally Defend Themselves from Online Attacks? More information about the presentation can be found here.

As a substitute in the technical track of the Security Forum we welcome Tobias Braun from forthmind GmbH. As a specialist in the field of SAP he will talk about security for SAP as well. The details of this presentation can be found here.

For organizational reasons, the keynote on the second day of presentations had to be swapped with the previous technical presentations. The agenda gives an overview of the current schedule.

We regret the program change and are convinced to have found adequate substitutes for the cancelled lectures. We would like to thank both speakers for their willingness to participate in the Security Forum at such short notice.

Unfortunately, two talks were canceled last week. Robert Clark and Jürgen Krutzler will not be able to hold their talks on the Security Forum 2015. In the last days we were busy to find replacements which we want to present today.

David Willson, owner of Titan Info Security Group, will hold the keynote talk on April 23rd. The talk Cyber War or Electronic Espionage - Active Defense or Hack Back: What Can Nations and Businesses Do to Legally Defend Themselves from Online Attacks? gives insight on the legal aspects and possibilities of Active Defense for governments and businesses. Find the details for his talk here.

The slot in the technical track will be replaced by Tobias Braun from forthmind GmbH. As an expert on SAP Security his talk Sicherheit auch für SAP will cover the topic of SAP security. Further details can be found here.

For organizational reasons, the talks and the keynote on the second day were rescheduled. The Agenda shows the latest time table and talks.

We regret those changes and are convinced that we found adequate replacements for the cancelled talks. We want to thank our speakers for their support and helping us out so shortly before the event.

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